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how to choose the right puppy
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about english mastiffs

great dane & mastiff rescue organizations

There are hundreds of great danes and mastiffs available for adoption. If you're not sure you're up for the challenges of puppyhood or if you have small children, adopting an adult great dane or mastiff is a great option.

Always do your research before adopting a dog or puppy. Tour the facility or foster homes to see the conditions their dogs are housed in, ask for references from previous clients, find out what therapy, rehabilitation or training the dog has received, look into the organization's charitable status with your state, and google them - see if there are any comments online about prior experiences with the organization.

puppy care
nutrition and feeding
giant breed growth
great dane/mastiff health
training large breed dogs
behavior & training
responsible breeding

available great danes

View a list of great danes available for adoption. >


arizona shelters and rescue organizations - all breeds

AAWL - Arizona Animal Welfare League

Arizona Humane Society

english mastiff rescue

View a list of mastiffs available for adoption. >


nationwide all breed rescue & adoptions

HUA - Hearts United for Animals

recent blogs & popular questions

nutrition what is the best food to feed my great dane or mastiff puppy?
nail trimming what's the best way to trim giant breed nails?
growling/biting puppies why does my puppy growl and bite, and what can i do to stop it?

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Questions and answers can now be posted and found in our community forums.

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NEW! i-tails community

looking for other great dane or mastiff owners in your area? want to share your stories or experiences? have questions or comments about anything giant breed-related? our community forums are here. go>
show dogs check out our new forum dedicated to giant breed show dogs join our new great dane & mastiff show dog community.

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